The REAL Definition of Legalism[With Examples]

western fence lizard. beacon rock state park. pacific northwest. washington state. 1013 ministries. blake rinkin

I believe that many people describe legalism incorrectly. A lot of people will assign the label of legalism to someone who is adding human merit to one’s salvation. I do not believe this is accurate, that isn’t really legalism in my opinion, that is simply a works based salvation. In fact, ironically, I think using this as a  definition for legalism is actually a tactic used by people who are legalistic. It’s convenient really, because as long as you're not actually claiming people are saved by works you can basically squeeze in as much legalism to control your people as you want. Then, you can immediately reject anyone calling you out for your legalism. “Hey idiot! I’m not a legalist! I don’t add works to the gospel”. See, legalism is not just a works based salvation with a different name on it, it’s something a little more specific. 

Here’s another example or way you could define legalism. Sometimes people will say something like “well if you were truly saved then you would X” or  “If you X then I doubt you're even saved”. I would say this is becoming legalism, although its not full on legalism yet. This is the point where legalism does begin to weave itself into the gospel, (which is salvation by faith alone) but it’s still essentially just a variation of a works based salvation. They  basically are saying this:  “Salvation is not earned by works… BUT if you don’t live how I think you should live then you're probably not saved in the first place”. So still, at this point, although it’s almost there, I would still define legalism even differently. 

The way I define legalism is totally different from others, but I think you will see what I’m talking about. (And if you don’t you probably aren’t saved… please excuse my legalism) 

Here is how I see it. Legalism is when you force others to adhere to certain rules that aren’t actually supported by scripture.. and anyone who does not adhere to them is belittled, insulted or looked down upon. Disagreement has no place in a legalistic church. Individual soul liberty has no place in a legalistic church. Sometimes, even in your own church you faithfully serve in, belittlement, insults, and being looked down upon are just what you sign up for anytime the doors are open. (3 to thrive.. 2 to survive.. 1 to backslide!) 

Now keep in mind the attitude or the approach I am mentioning here. It’s very important you understand the tone I am referencing here. I am not talking about a preacher who is simply trying to help his church member’s lives by helping them have strong walks with God, even if he is wrong about a verse or something being a sin that really isn’t a sin.  The main issue at hand is the preachers of legalism that vehemently come after their own church members with rules that aren’t biblical. (And more often than not aren’t even followed by said legalistic preacher, or in some cases are so minuscule compared to what that legalistic preacher is actually guilty of)

Not only is legalism when a preacher is being super knit picky over things in the Bible that either aren’t there, or aren’t very clear.. but also the legalism that I am referring to will fall into the categories of mind games and spiritual abuse. These are standard operating procedures for preachers of legalism. Now when I say “mind games” I am not talking about fake crying from the pulpit, that’s dishonest of course, but not entirely a mind game.  I’m talking about straight up bullying. Now hear me out, I know that’s a snowflake thing to say or whatever, but as God's people shouldn’t we care about loving people and treating them right? Even more so our brothers and sisters in Christ?

Now, I am not saying we avoid confrontation all together, or sweep things under the rug to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, it is important that we help a brother or sister see their error, especially when you have clear scripture to back up what you are saying. But when we preach our own opinions and  standards without any solid verse from the Bible to stand on, that is legalism. If you scream from the pulpit from the top of your lungs about how wicked someone is because they are doing something you find sinful.. but you don’t actually have the Bible to back it up.. you are a legalist. (Also stop screaming at your church members, it’s super weird and nobody thinks your tough) 

Understand that  bullying IS real and it does indeed damage people. Bullying anyone is never OK, and even more so if you're a “man of God” preaching to people who are looking to you as their leader. Yet there are preachers who make their living slandering, lying, manipulating, and vomiting out hateful and abusive preaching. It’s just bullying in the name of the Bible. 

Someone might ask, “what does legalistic preaching look like?” And this is hard to briefly describe here in this article, but let me attempt to paint the picture for you in case you are not aware. These kinds of statements will probably ring true to a lot of my readers who have spent time in these types of churches like I have. 


Golden calf pants 

“Paul says greet one another with a holy kiss… but if you come up to kiss me, I’ll knock your teeth out. That just simply isn’t our culture” 

*next sermon 

“Ladies, stop acting like dress standards were only a cultural thing! The Bible trumps culture. If you enjoy wearing pants then you enjoy being an abomination to God. Period! All you ladies need to stop worshiping the golden calf in your life called pants.”

That’s worldly 

This one gets a lot of people.. and if I’m not careful, I say some kool aid type stuff from this line of thinking still. I am a work in progress. This is a hard one to get away from because it’s so open ended. That’s why I always somehow find myself guilty of these types of comments even to this day. 

“If you X then you are worldly! Jesus said love not the world!”

Now this is how legalists get you. Whatever they decide is “worldly” is worldly. And you are wicked if you participate. However, whatever they happen to enjoy, conveniently makes it through the cracks rebuke free. So let’s say this.. 

“If you listen to any music other than hymns then you are worldly!” Yet this pastor has no problem going and watching an NBA game. (where music is playing, but not sweet hour of prayer). In this scenario all the churchgoer needs to know is “pastor says music bad.. basketball good”. And there ya go! The Bible clearly says it right there! “Music bad…basketball good!” You have yourself a picture perfect example of legalism right there. 

The reason this whole “worldly” thing is so bad is because it’s so subjective and open ended. No Christian should want to be like the world at the expense of their Christian testimony.. that’s reasonable. But what exactly IS worldly? And how exactly do we avoid being it? I mean, we are supposed to be IN the world but not OF the world right ? I mean how far do you take this? Is reading a book that isn’t the Bible worldly? Is going to a sports game worldly? Is breathing air worldly? Is singing twinkle twinkle little star worldly? 

Are you stupid ? 

Another weapon in the arsenal of a legalistic preacher is the belittling statements. This is used a lot when the preacher has a certain view, which may or may not be accurate from the Bible. It can be true, or it can be false. What matters is how the preacher explains it. Proving your case from the Bible and allowing people to agree or disagree is completely healthy and absolutely reasonable. Here’s what isn’t reasonable. 

“See that verse we just read? Could it be any more clear? I mean.. you can disagree and that’s fine if you don’t mind being an idiot” 

Or this super loving one.. 

“Are you stupid ? Do you read English ? What does this verse say?” This of course is rhetorical, you must see it the way the preacher sees it or you are in fact stupid and unable to read English.

Keep in mind these are their church members. To my fellow moms and dads out there… would you ever, in a thousand years treat your child like that when expounding to them a certain verse or teaching in the Bible? No way ! So why do some pastors preach like this to their congregation? It’s disgusting. We shouldn’t be belittling our brothers and sisters in Christ.. there are people who understand a lot of deep things in scripture because they have been saved a long time and have studied their hearts out, and there are brand new Christians who struggle with even basic Christian doctrine. The understanding of the scriptures is going to be different for every person in the church. If you can’t make what your preaching crystal clear to people, it’s either a difficult passage in general, or you are awful at your job as pastor. Either way, calling someone stupid for not seeing a verse exactly how you do is a pretty good highlight of spiritual abuse.  

Another reason this “are you stupid” thing is so damaging is it allows a legalistic preacher to basically condemn or condone whatever he pleases. In this scenario, nobody wants to be ridiculed or belittled or called stupid. So the pastor must be right. 

We must do our parts to not only fight against legalism, but also rightly define it. Don’t allow legalistic preachers to hijack the term and use it to their own advantage. Legalism is very prevalent today, and it harms more Christians than most people understand. 

If you are not sure that you are going to heaven, please get this settled today by clicking here: How to Go to Heaven.

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