Let’s Grow in Christ Together!

Jonah: A God of Second Chances and Forgiveness[Bible Study]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Jonah: A God of Second Chances and Forgiveness[Bible Study]

Have you ever been arguing and fighting with your wife or husband, close friend or family member and eventually reach a point where you just want to start over? Do you ever reach a point where you wish you could take back everything that has been said or done by simply pressing a reset button? A good reset, second and forgiveness are hard to pass up when the are offered to us.

Let’s face it, we all mess up from time to time. Sometimes we do something wrong at work, wrong a friend or wrong someone within our own household. As bad as this feels, it sure does feel great to get a second chance and move on from your errors. This is exactly what happens to Jonah starting in chapter 3. God comes to him a second time and allows him to push the reset button, and try again. 

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Does Door to Door Soulwinning Still Work?[Soulwinning Tips]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Does Door to Door Soulwinning Still Work?[Soulwinning Tips]

 People often say that soulwinning is no longer an effective way of getting people saved or doing outreach. They say soulwinning is “outdated” or that it simply “does not work in our culture today.” Let me be straight up with you. If there was a more effective way of getting people saved than just approaching their door uninvited and dealing with the awkwardness that brings, I would jump on that opportunity in a heartbeat.

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Jonah: Who is the True God?[Bible Study]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Jonah: Who is the True God?[Bible Study]

We all have a sincere and human desire to be a part of the right tribe. From the sports teams we follow and root for, to the brands we choose to wear on our bodies, we are constantly making decisions on what and who to endorse because of some particular reason or another.

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Where was Jesus After the Cross? [You Might be Surprised]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Where was Jesus After the Cross? [You Might be Surprised]

The Bible gives us the facts that Jesus was killed on a cross, and that He rose again the third day. With this in mind, many find themselves wondering where Jesus was for during the cross and his resurrection. I am going to lay out for you what I believe, and why I believe it. Let me, however, begin by stating the Bible is sometimes not as black and white as people try to make it. Sometimes, you put together a belief based on what you see in scripture, and you present that idea in a logical manner, but ultimately it is going to be up to you to come to your own conclusion. Scripture does not always spell things out for us as clearly as we would often hope for.

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Jonah: Finding Jesus in Jonah [Bible Study]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Jonah: Finding Jesus in Jonah [Bible Study]

Let us look at the part in Jonah that everyone knows, but approach it with some extra care for what we are reading. Today you will see that this chapter also foreshadows the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

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The REAL Definition of Legalism[With Examples]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

The REAL Definition of Legalism[With Examples]

I believe that many people describe legalism incorrectly. A lot of people will assign the label of legalism to someone who is adding human merit to one’s salvation. I do not believe this is accurate, that isn’t really legalism in my opinion, that is simply a works based salvation. In fact, ironically, I think using this as a definition for legalism is actually a tactic used by people who are legalistic.

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Jonah: Bad Testimony [Bible Study] 
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Jonah: Bad Testimony [Bible Study] 

What is worse than being exposed as a phony and fraud? Well, possibly waving back at someone in public who wasn’t actually waving at you, but still, being seen as a fake is pretty awful. We have seen that Jonah is sort of a fake. He sure claims the title of “Man of God” but his actions do not support this. We’ve seen so far that Jonah doesn’t care about the well being or the souls of others. While the mariners were doing their best to protect their lives, Jonah was asleep at the bottom of the ship.

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Why You Should Care How You Act [Christian Testimony]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Why You Should Care How You Act [Christian Testimony]

What are Christians like? Depending on who you ask this question, you are probably going to get different answers. Some may say these people are “compassionate, loving, kind” and some may say “terrible, hypocritical, rude”. Why the mixed review? Well, it all depends on what kind of interactions people have had with Christians.

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Jonah: Lack of Prayer [Bible Study With Prayer Tips]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Jonah: Lack of Prayer [Bible Study With Prayer Tips]

So far in our Bible study through the book Jonah we have not seen anything that really redeems this guy. He is asleep at the wheel. His lack of concern is damaging not only his life, but the life of those around him. Last time we saw that he does not care about others, now we will be looking at the prayer life of Jonah. We will see that he cares about praying just about as much as he cares about others.

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3 Reasons “Once Saved Always Saved” IS Biblical [Eternal Security]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

3 Reasons “Once Saved Always Saved” IS Biblical [Eternal Security]

“I believe we are saved by faith alone, but I do not believe in that once saved, always saved nonsense”.

I have heard this statement many times while speaking with people about their salvation. When they say “once saved, always saved” they of course are referring to the eternal security of the believer.

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2 Pro-life Heroes in the Bible
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

2 Pro-life Heroes in the Bible

Exodus 1:15-21. This is great story where two goldy women stand up against the King of Egypt. This shows how Christian people should view abortion through the lens of the Bible.

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