Let’s Grow in Christ Together!

The Power of Remembering Our Suffering: Why Reopening Wounds Is Worth the Pain (Working on My Upcoming Book)
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

The Power of Remembering Our Suffering: Why Reopening Wounds Is Worth the Pain (Working on My Upcoming Book)

I am recounting some of the trials and suffering my family have gone through in the recent years, in as much detail as I can. Sure I could gloss over these details, but that would defeat the purpose of the book. This book is about how we as Christians can navigate trials and suffering in our lives. In order to do this, I’m going back in time and trying to document  the trauma we have experienced as a family. As much as I’d like to never feel these emotions again, I understand at the same time these trials and the pain we felt are too important to forget. 

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3 Reasons Every Christian Should Support The Christian Metal Scene  (Even If You Don’t Like Metal) 
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

3 Reasons Every Christian Should Support The Christian Metal Scene  (Even If You Don’t Like Metal) 

Harsh vocals, distorted guitars, chainsaw bass, and  blasting drums that make your heart beat outside your chest—Christian metal transforms raw intensity into a soundtrack of overcoming trials and worshipping God, and standing firm in a fallen world. 

Worshiping God, standing firm in our faith, and overcoming trials are all good things, right? Then why so much hate against Christian metal? This is something I’ve wondered about for many years. What I think comes down to personal preference. 

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A Surprising Epiphany About My Faith [What God Taught Me This Year]  
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

A Surprising Epiphany About My Faith [What God Taught Me This Year]  

Some years I burn through highlighters. It seems that selling all my possessions and buying pallets of highlighter pens  is the only way I can keep up with my Bible highlighting in those profound years where my walk with God just keeps reaching new heights. In those years of growth, my Bible drips yellow ink like it’s been dipped into a vat of that nostalgic Sunny D. 

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SOAP Bible Method (Bible Study Tips For New Believers and anyone)
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

SOAP Bible Method (Bible Study Tips For New Believers and anyone)

Let’s talk about one of my favorite Bible study tips: The  SOAP Bible method. It’s important that we always learn better ways to interact with God’s Word, and how to study the Bible. What is the SOAP bible method? What are the benefits of the SOAP bible study? Who is it for? Let’s answer these questions. 

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Surviving While Scattered: Consequences of Showing Partiality (James 2:1-13 Bible Study)
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Surviving While Scattered: Consequences of Showing Partiality (James 2:1-13 Bible Study)

We as a society are very click driven. From high school to your job, or even the people we as a society look up to, clicks are ever present. They're always seems to be some special group that we just can't make our way into no matter how hard we try. And, if we're honest, there probably are people who want to be in our own little click as well. We all seem to at times show favor to those we desire to spend time with for no other reason than what they can offer us with. Is this something I am constantly guilty of doing? No. But have I done it in the past? I am sure of it. But why do we do this?

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3 Tips for Finding a Good Church
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

3 Tips for Finding a Good Church

As a Christian, one of the most important things you can do is find yourself a good church. Church is essential for community, growth, and service. A livestream or pre-recorded version of a church service is good if you're sick or out of town, but it can never replace the real thing. However, in all honesty finding a good church can be a little tricky. More often than not people become discouraged and give up on church altogether because they just cannot seem to find a church to truly call home. If that is you, I hope that I can be of assistance. I have 3 tips in finding a church that you can call home for the long haul.

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Learning Perseverance From Hannah [Struggles with Infertility]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Learning Perseverance From Hannah [Struggles with Infertility]

The wives of Elkanah had one major difference: Penninah had children, and Hannah did not. In these days,and in this part of the world, a woman's greatest accomplishment in life was having children. That is not to say that today is much different, but women tend to find other identities than solely embracing the fact that they are a mother. They took being a mother much more seriously in these times. Motherhood is a very special thing, however, in the Old Testament times, it was even more desired than today.

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Surviving While Scattered: Self Control [James Bible Study]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Surviving While Scattered: Self Control [James Bible Study]

Quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.” So simple and straightforward, yet so difficult for us to master. This is such a hard battle for us that God gives us in His word many similar teachings. Some of these many passages can be found in Proverbs 10:19, 11:12, 14:29, 15:1, and 17:28. One day when we are all gathered to Christ these teachings will be in our very nature, but right now we need to work at it. The ways that we walk and talk are very important to God. We have 3 things we can be working on taken from verse 19.

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The Message Bible: Good or Garbage?
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

The Message Bible: Good or Garbage?

Should anyone read The Message Bible? Let’s start by understanding what The Message Bible even is. First off, to the best of my knowledge, It was never intended to or implied by anyone to replace your main Bible. I think we should view it in the proper light, that being The Message Bible is a very useful tool. We often take a peek at a few commentaries when we are reading or studying certain passages in our Bibles. We might even look up an article or a sermon by a Pastor or brother in Christ we admire, and see their thoughts on a particular passage. Additionally, we have the opportunity to look it up in The Message Bible. 

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Why Christian Parents Should Ditch Santa Claus [3 Compelling Arguments ]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Why Christian Parents Should Ditch Santa Claus [3 Compelling Arguments ]

I grew up with friends that were much older than me. For instance, when I was 8, the friends on my street were 13 or so. That's a pretty big difference. It’s no wonder that I was advancing through my youthful days faster than other kids. Part of this rapid growth was also the sudden realization that Santa Claus is not real. 

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Invisible Triumphs: Magnifying the Power of Small Wins That Shape Your Future
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Invisible Triumphs: Magnifying the Power of Small Wins That Shape Your Future

Hopeless. Good for nothing. Uninspiring. Wasteful. These are thoughts that intrude my mind from time to time, when I don’t feel like anything I am doing is accomplishing anything of significant value. My goal in life is to know God as deeply as I possibly can, to instill that same love and desire for God in my wife and children, and help others in the world know Jesus. As nice as I think these goals are, there are very few moments in my day, week, month, or even year, that I feel like I am even slightly working towards these goals. The irony is that I spend so much time spinning my wheels trying to find the next big thing to accomplish that has tangible and evident results, that I often miss the small wins that are right in front of my eyes.

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Surviving while Scattered: Test or Temptation? [James Bible Study]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Surviving while Scattered: Test or Temptation? [James Bible Study]

God has rules in place for us for a reason. Depending on the rule, it might be for our benefit, or His, or both. Regardless of the reason why, as God’s children we should be doing our best to obey His rules. Our goal should never be to just obey enough to not be in sin, because we're really missing the point if that's why we obey.

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Surviving While Scattered: Equality in Christ [James Bible Study]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Surviving While Scattered: Equality in Christ [James Bible Study]

The Bible teaches us here that the rich man and the poor man both have the same end. Most people think that what matters is acquiring as much as you can in a person's lifetime. However, this is false. All of those things people seek to acquire will all one day perish as well. True happiness and wealth cannot come from one’s physical possessions.

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Sobreviviendo la Dispersión: Orando Sin Dudas [Estudio de la Biblia]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Sobreviviendo la Dispersión: Orando Sin Dudas [Estudio de la Biblia]

Una vida llena de dudas no es una vida contenta. Pero, somos las personas de Dios y tenemos muchas promesas en Cristo. Por eso, no necesitamos dudar. Pero, a veces, incluso los niños de Dios, tienen dudas. Es normal pero la buena noticia es que cuando empezamos a crecer en la fe estos momentos en dudas existen menos frecuentemente. Dios nos quiere fortalecer y construirnos, pero nuestras propias dudas puede entorpecer nuestro crecimiento. Dios quiere bendecirnos y responder a nuestras oraciones, pero necesitamos orar sin dudas.

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Who Will be Judged on Judgment Day? [2 Reasons Why Many People Have it Wrong]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Who Will be Judged on Judgment Day? [2 Reasons Why Many People Have it Wrong]

There is a false idea out there today, so prevalent, that I am almost certain you have heard more times than you could possibly count. Here is the statement, something along these lines:

“Hey Christian! If you do X,Y, or Z….Or, you don’t do X,Y or Z…then you are going to stand before God on judgment day and you are not going to make it to heaven”

This is false. Plain and simple. It’s inaccurate, misleading, and damaging for multiple different reasons. Allow me to very briefly explain why these kinds of statements are absolutely, positively, false doctrine.

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Surviving While Scattered: Praying Without Doubt Bible Study- James]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Surviving While Scattered: Praying Without Doubt Bible Study- James]

A life full of doubt is not a very happy life. We are the people of God and have many amazing promises in Christ, so we really have no reason to doubt. And yet we do. Some of us toil in anxious fits when in reality, we have no reason to. But rest assured, because this is common. Sometimes we just find ourselves in moments of doubt.

But there is good news! Generally speaking, as we begin to grow in the faith, and our walk with God, these moments of doubt and worry will happen less and less. God wants to strengthen and build us, but our doubts can often get in the way of this. God wants to bless us and answer our prayers but we need to keep our doubts in check.

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Jesus: The Greatest Friend
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Jesus: The Greatest Friend

It has been said time and time again “It’s not about what you know, it’s about WHO you know”. People spend their entire lives trying to network and fit in and establish contacts with higher positions in society than themselves, all in the hopes of success. For many, life is about rubbing shoulders with people of power. (celebrities, politicians, etc.) Many people want to make friends with people who will propel them along in life. Proverbs 19:6 tells us “Many seek the favor of a generous man, and everyone is a friend to a man who gives gifts.” Everyone wants to be friends with someone that they can gain something from.

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Sobreviviendo en la dispersión: La Paciencia[Estudio de la Biblia]
Blake Rinkin Blake Rinkin

Sobreviviendo en la dispersión: La Paciencia[Estudio de la Biblia]

Despues que Jesus murio en la cruz, resucito, y ascendió al Padre, los creyentes en todas las partes del mundo que todavia estan aqui, y estan dispersos. Ahora esperamos por Jesus regresar, pero mientras tanto, ¿debemos que pasamos nuestras vidas? Hay muchos libros que existen acerca de sobreviva, peron son para las personas sobrevivir las catástrofes naturales, perderse en el desierto, incluso un accopalcypse zombie. Pues, ¿hay un libro para los ninos de Dios para sobrevivir en un hogar que no es nuestros? para los ninos que estan esperan por Jesus a volver? Toda de la Biblia, claro, pero mas especifico, el libro de Santiago.Este libro es un guía de supervivencia para los creyentes. Si vamos a sobrevivir en este mundo hasta que Dios nos reúna, necesitamos:

La Paciencia

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